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  • Open Arms International

Welcome Home, Titus

My heart breaks every time I receive an emergency phone call to tell me that another baby in Kenya has been abandoned, left all alone at the very start of their precious life.

It wasn’t long ago that I received one of these calls and was told the story of a little boy who was found in a plastic bag on the side of the road, the umbilical cord and placenta still attached. The baby boy was only a few hours old.


After spending two months recovering in the newborn unit, the baby boy was ready to go home. But no one could trace any family.


 That’s when I received the call to see if we had space for another baby at the Open Arms Village. Having no one in the world to care for him, I knew this baby boy needed a loving family so we immediately welcomed him to our baby home. We named him Titus.

Titus’ start to life is, tragically, quite common as extreme poverty, sexual assault, dysfunctional homes and forced marriage of teenage girls leaves many new mothers in desperate circumstances. Over the years we have rescued and given a home to over 70 babies just like Titus who have had nowhere else to go.


Your donations will enable us to continue to provide the safe and nurturing home and family that babies like Titus need and I can’t tell you how grateful I am.


Your donation of $54 will provide life-changing care for Titus for a week as he grows and will enable us to be there to rescue the next abandoned baby just when they need us most.

Will you help provide a home and a loving family to babies like Titus?


Linda Ndethiu

Open Arms Project Director

Linda & Titus

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