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Open Arms International

Baby Pendo

Do you remember Pendo? Almost a year ago, she joined the Open Arms family. You made it possible for her to have a safe home where she is loved and cherished. Here is Pendo's story...


Last spring a baby girl got her first glimpse of the world. As the nurse took her in their arms and checked her vitals, she was happy to see a healthy baby with a bright future ahead. An officer from the children’s office was also present. She took the baby girl in her arms and thanked God for helping her live.


The journey to this day had not been easy, but as she looked at the baby, she knew that it had all been worth it. The baby girl was named Pendo, which is a Swahili name that means love.

The circumstances surrounding Baby Pendo’s birth were quite challenging for her young teen mother. Many attempts were made by family members to ensure that the pregnancy would not come to term.


Even as all this went on, there was an emotion that was present, glaring and stronger than all others: LOVE. The young girl loved her baby, even though she had never laid eyes on her.


One of her relatives also felt the same way and she went to the children’s office to ask for help. It is here that they learned that their circumstances meant that they would be able to give the baby to a home where she could be cared for. The childcare officer checked on her welfare each day and last spring, baby Pendo was born!

Thanks to the intervention of these brave individuals and the courage of a very young mother, Pendo was brought to Open Arms Village when she was only two days old. Open Arms caregivers lined up at the gate with their arms open, waiting to receive and love this little girl. Since then, she has been loved every day.


Pendo always has nutritious meals and has become a favorite of many of the children. She loves to smile and enjoys listening to her aunties tell her stories and nursery rhymes. She can now sit on her own and will soon start learning how to crawl.


Because of you, baby Pendo has a safe and nurturing home. Thank you!


With gratitude, 


Kaytie Fiedler

Executive Director, Open Arms International 

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