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Writer's pictureOpen Arms International

Urgent Need: Siblings Join the Family

Updated: May 10, 2022

We've received an emergency placement of four siblings. Leonida, Esther, William, and Nicholas joined the Open Arms family after their schoolteachers noticed their desperate situation and stepped in.

Their mother got very sick last year and gradually became paralyzed. The children were caring for her as well as each other. The youngest spent so much time kneeling to care for her mother, she developed deep wounds on her knees. Two of the children have sores covering their bodies, but there was no money to pay for treatment or medicine. Teachers noticed their lack of uniforms and school supplies and began asking what was happening at home. As they realized the severity of their situation, the teachers contacted a government Children's Officer, who reached out to Open Arms. Our social workers visited the home and brought the children into our care.

Right now, these four children are safe and loved at Open Arms Village. Their mother is receiving care. She told us, "I know that my children are safe in Open Arms. I know that I will be able to see my children. One day I will be well again, and I will rebuild. Thank you for taking care of my children.”

Would you help us care for these precious children? It costs just $11 to provide one day of holistic care - including life-saving medical care. Would you help us cover a month of care for each child?

How many days can you provide right now? Through you, Leonida, Esther, William, and Nicholas will know the hope of the gospel and the love of a family!

You can give right now by clicking HERE.

Note: While this is a true story, some details may be changed for the protection and privacy of our children.

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