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From Cursed to Cherished

Updated: Dec 20, 2024

December 2016 was a life-changing month for twins Jacob and Joy. At 16 months old, they had known only neglect and want. Their ankles were scarred from the ropes that kept them from wandering.  A neighbor rescued them from their house tied up, crying and abandoned. In Kenya, many tribes superstitiously consider twins cursed, making these two even more vulnerable.

That December, Jacob and Joy arrived at Open Arms and were welcomed with open arms by the Baby Home. The aunties knew they needed special care - which they received in abundance! Far from being a curse, their twin bond was an amazing source of comfort for each other and a joy to see.

In 2017 they were ready for a forever family. Again they were welcomed with open arms, this time by godly parents and siblings eager to love on them.   “I knew that they would be nervous about being in a new home. I talked to them every day and reassured them that we all loved them.  In no time, they were jumping around…happy, calling us Mummy and Daddy. We are honored to take care of them,” Mama Serah shared.

If a neighbor hadn’t noticed…

If Open Arms aunties and house parents weren’t there…

If people like you didn’t answer God’s call…

These precious children wouldn’t be alive today!

Just $11 provides a day of comprehensive care for a child like Jacob or Joy. Thank you for making it possible for them to survive and thrive! 

Twins waving goodbye to mom
Waving goodbye as they go to daycare

Prayer Focus

Please continue praying for one of the aunties in our children's homes who recently lost her three-year-old daughter to leukemia.

Pray also for all our house parents and aunties as they seek to parent our children with Christ-centered love and wisdom.

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