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Open Arms International

Breaking the Back of Poverty

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

Open Arms is working to break the back of poverty in the area surrounding Open Arms Village. Local families are finding hope through the SILC (Savings and Internal LendingCommunities) program.

This microloan program enables caregivers to meet regularly with the Open Arms pastor and program leader to learn to live in ways that honor God, receive vital training on parenting to help them raise a strong and stable family, and receive business coaching to help them start a life-changing business.

Grace, one of the initial program members, worked for years as a day laborer. She struggled to afford to send her children to school and buy medication when needed and some days she was unable to provide food for them.

Grace’s son, 8-year-old Clifford, was recently given a scholarship to join our Open Arms Academy. Winnie, an Open Arms staff member, noticed Grace’s positive attitude and determination and invited her to join one of the new SILC groups.

Grace had always wanted to raise chickens like her mother had done when she was just a girl, but Grace never had enough resources to get started.

After attending the training and starting to put what she had learned into practice, it wasn’t long before Grace began to believe that she and her family could have a new life.

She took a business loan from her SILC group and bought her first chickens! Today, Grace is experiencing the power of this program in her own family. Her chicken-rearing business is enabling her to feed her children and send her daughter to high school. Her family is experiencing the hope of God’s kingdom found through the teaching and opportunities found in the SILC program.

Your generosity is changing the lives of so many families in Kenya! Thank you for all you do to share the love of God with those in need.


Kaytie Fiedler Executive Director, Open Arms International

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