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  • brittany1838

Teen Retreat

The children gathered around Pastor M and the church team as he shared about life and relationships. At last the much-anticipated annual teen retreat at Naiberi River Resort had arrived!

They spent time swimming in the pools and worshiping together before sitting down for a time of questions and answers. But what was supposed to be a two-hour discussion turned out to be a life-changing experience.

The teenagers wrote their questions on pieces of paper. As each piece was unfolded and discussed, some of them exposed the trauma many of our children deal with from past events in their lives.

One of the notes read, “What can you do to get over of the guilt you feel after someone sexually assaults you?”

That day, the troubled teens received hope and love. 

“Our God can make all things new again. It’s not your fault. No matter what anyone else says, it’s NOT your fault.” Over and over again, our teens heard the message.

At the end of the session, one precious girl admitted that she finally believed that she wasn't at fault for what had happened to her.

“I would like you to tell some aspects of my story so that our donors know how much they are helping us. It’s not just about the material things; it’s also about helping us heal. I have been told many times that it’s not my fault. This time felt different.

Fiddling hands

“I never thought that I could get over the pain and shame I felt after being assaulted. Not only was I assaulted, but the man left me infected with HIV. It’s a continuous battle for me. But I have hope because I have been getting continuous counseling and support at Open Arms. Even this teen camp is part of that support. Sometimes I can’t believe that strangers who have never met me have chosen to help me. Thank you!”

So many children like her need the hope and healing of Open Arms Village. And that's exactly what you can give!

Just $11 offers a day of care at Open Arms Village. How many days can you provide?

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