Eleven little ones at Open Arms Village are turning five this year – and that’s a huge deal.
Not only does it mean the parents have their hands full with eleven kindergartners, which is certainly true! But it’s also a big milestone for any child in a developing nation.
A UNICEF report found that in Kenya alone, over 74,000 children die each year before their fifth birthday. Sub-Saharan Africa remains a leader in death rates of children under the age of five.
Over half of these deaths are preventable through simple steps like childhood vaccinations, regular medical care, and access to clean water and healthy food.
Thankfully, you make these things possible for the children at Open Arms Village every day!
This is why it’s so important to keep our arms always open! Thank you for helping carry these little ones to the critical milestone of their fifth birthday. We are celebrating!
One of our parents said, “I am not exaggerating when I tell you that you saved these children’s lives. Given how vulnerable they were, it is likely that most of them would not have celebrated their fifth birthdays.”
THANK YOU for joining the Open Arms Campaign! We know that while there is always need, there’s also always hope. But not without you!
You can give right now at www.OpenArmsInternational.org/always.