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  • Open Arms International

Is A Bed That Important?

Today, I want to introduce you to Theo, one of the first beneficiaries of the February on the Floor program in Kenya. This program provides beds and bedding to children sleeping on the floor or in other difficult situations. Theo lives with his family in a mud house with no running water or electricity near Open Arms Village. When he was six years old, he and his brother were sponsored to study at Open Arms Academy. Since this time, he has been receiving nutritious meals at school, uniforms, shoes, and other amenities offered to the children from the community.

Last year, the February on the Floor team went to Theo's house and helped his family finish part of their mud house and installed a bunkbed for him and his brother. After Theo got his own bed last year, he has renewed energy and excitement in his studies.

"Last year was my first time sleeping in a bed that was mine. It's very comfortable and I have my own blankets, bedsheets, pillow, and a mosquito net. I feel like I can achieve anything!"

Theo is in 8th grade now. This year, Theo had the highest score in Mathematics in his class and was awarded at the end of the semester for his performance.

The bed Theo received was provided by generous people just like you. This bed didn't just give him a comfortable place to sleep, it gave him dignity. Theo now has hope that his future truly can be bright.

Thank you for making a huge difference in the lives of some very special children. I am very grateful for you!

Many blessings,

Kaytie Fiedler Executive Director- Open Arms International

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