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Home For The Weekend

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

It is always fun when our children who are in college and boarding schools come home to visit for the weekend. As you can imagine, having over 40 children visiting for the weekend requires a lot of preparation and teamwork.

The children were so excited to see each other, their parents, and siblings at Open Arms Village.

Over the weekend, they participated in discussions related to sexual purity and purpose, the responsibility of being an adult, topics related to career choice, school placement and the ongoing role of Open Arms in their lives as they mature and leave the nest.

These weekend visits will be held periodically to maintain good communication and connection with these amazing kids who are now young adults.

Would you take a moment to pray for these kids right now? Here are a few things you can pray for:

  • Pray that they will love God with their whole hearts and pursue His purposes in their lives.

  • Pray that every broken place in their hearts would be healed with His love.

  • Pray that they would choose spouses that love Jesus.

Thank you for loving kids that you may have never met. They may have lost their biological family, but they gained you!

Many blessings,

Kaytie Fiedler

Executive Director, Open Arms Intern ational US

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