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  • Open Arms International

Gina Broke Free With Your Help

Gina was a very poor ethnic Roma (gypsy) girl. She came into the Denisa Care Center program when she was eight years old.

Roma people often face harsh discrimination and Gina was no different. She was experiencing discriminated in school and in the community because of her skin color.

During her time in the Denisa Care Center program, Gina felt the same love and care as other kids for the first time in her life. She learned how valuable she was and what great potential she had.

Gina graduated from high school, found a good job right away and married a wonderful man. She got a driver's license and a car, which enables her to help her family.

Though these may not sound like great accomplishments, coming from Gina's background, these achievements are amazing! She broke the cycle of poverty because she had someone telling her she could.

Denisa Care Center changed her life. And this was possible because of your generosity.

Your kindness changes everything for these children and I am so grateful for you!

God bless you!

Kaytie Fiedler

Executive Director, Open Arms International US

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