It seems to always happen this way. Not just one baby, but multiple babies arrive at Open Arms Village about the same time.
This time, the number is three.
In the last few months, three precious little babies have come to Open Arms Village.
Though each of their circumstances are different, there is one common factor for each child that arrives- something tragic has happened.
Left without adequate care or no care at all, these three infants are fully dependent on the care that your gift provides.
Before 2021 comes to a close, would you help these babies? You can give now by clicking this link:
Your generosity makes it possible for us to say "Yes!" when the next call for help comes.
If you have already given your end of year gift, thank you so much!
God bless you,
Kaytie Fiedler
Executive Director, Open Arms International US
P.S. There are just a few more days to make your tax-deductible, end of year gift for 2021. You can give by clicking here.