Easter is all about hope! And Open Arms International is all about H.O.P.E., too! (Homes, Outreach, Purpose and Empowerment)
Here in America, Easter is a day to attend church and receive gifts of candy and toys. It’s a celebration with family to honor the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross. It can be hard to communicate the meaning of sacrifice to children, but it is an important lesson.
On the other side of the world, the children at Open Arms Village do not celebrate Easter with toy-filled baskets.
Instead, their gifts come in the form of supporters from around the world who have sacrificed something to give the gift of H.O.P.E.- so they can know the safety and security of a loving family and a loving God.
This Easter season, would you send these children the gift of hope by joining the Circle of H.O.P.E. and becoming a monthly giver?
Your monthly financial sacrifice will be an incredible gift! It will provide over 150 children at Open Arms Village with the love of a family and the hope of the Gospel.
You will help meet every need for every child, every month, including education, medical, healthy food, loving parents, counseling and more. That’s an amazing gift you can give this Easter!
AND, right now your new monthly gift will be doubled up to $25,000!
We’re looking for 10 new people to join the Circle of H.O.P.E. by Easter. That means 10 new members in 10 days!
Will you join today?
God bless you,
Kaytie Fiedler
Executive Director, Open Arms International US
P.S. If you join the Circle of H.O.P.E. before Easter, you will receive a personal video message from the kids at Open Arms Village! Or you can give in honor of a friend or family and we can send the message directly to them. Just mark your gift “in honor of ___” and we will contact you for delivery details.